Data analysis transforms raw data into meaningful insights, enabling informed decision-making. Learn about quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques, the six-stage analysis process, and how it benefits businesses through cost reduction and improved customer experiences.
Data processing transforms raw data into meaningful insights, crucial for strategic business decisions. Learn about the five stages of data processing, from collection to output, and explore various types like batch, real-time, and stream processing.
A Single Source of Truth (SSoT) aggregates data from multiple systems, providing a holistic view crucial for competitive advantage. Learn the difference between SSoT and System of Record, and how to build an SSoT to make informed business decisions.
Master Data Management (MDM) creates a single "golden record" from multiple data sources, crucial for accurate business decisions. Learn the importance of MDM, its benefits, and how to set up an MDM process to improve data accuracy and compliance.
Pliable, born from a simple question about data complexity, launches with $2.5M in seed funding to democratize data management. The no-code platform simplifies data processes for businesses without costly engineers or infrastructure.